Here you can find documentation in regards to both Minecraft Earth Map & Minecraft Earth Tiles. If there are any changes you would like to suggest or add, please let us know on the Discord Server.
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Here you can find documentation in regards to both Minecraft Earth Map & Minecraft Earth Tiles. If there are any changes you would like to suggest or add, please let us know on the Discord Server.
Last updated
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This guide is not completely finished yet! Please be patient as it is completed.
This guide is not completely finished yet! Please be patient as it is completed.
Project Creator: Matti Borchers
Minecraft Earth Map & Earth Tiles Documentation: Evan Thebearge
Documentation Review: "Cat_Person" on Discord
Earth Tiles Supporters
View financial information and reports here. Please Note: Without funding, this project would not be possible! Thank you to everyone who has helped support Minecraft Earth Map and Tiles!
Please note that this documentation is created and maintained by volunteers. We try our best to update information and to fix any issues found, but many of us are busy and also have lives! Please make sure to remember that. If something isn't right or needs to be updated, make sure to let us know, but do it in a respectful civilized manner.