🌴Map Features
Minecraft Earth Tiles allows for the customization of the map to some pre-defined settings. The expansion of these can be edited manually to create more user-specific results.
This page is still under construction and is in no way complete!
The more map features selected will increase the run time of a Tile generation due to the increased data added!

Heightmap & Bathymetry
Heightmap Error Correction
The 30m heightmap source has some missing spots that will be filled with a custom algorithm.
This setting is inactive when you are using a high “Dagrees per Tile” value because this uses a less accurate heightmap source.
Require Bathymetry addon to be present and installed. View Custom QGIS project bathymetry add-on for more details.
This setting changes the block deepness for the oceans instead of a fixed maximum of 5 blocks deep.


Terrain Mapping
You can create a custom Terrain Mapping. The satellite images are reduced to ~20 different colors, which represent the terrain. At the moment, there are “Standard” and “Custom” options, so you can change the color values of the custom.png image inside “wpscript\terrain”
and in the WorldPainter script. This way, you can make the world a little bit greener or even add blocks for future Minecraft versions!

Terrain Source
You can choose between different satellite images. Arcgis, Google, and Bing require a permanent internet connection. You can also choose the Offline Terrain (the high res requires the addon) if you have any trouble with the online images.
Offline Terrain (high res)
This terrain has an accuracy of 250m.
For this terrain, you need the “Custom QGIS offline terrain add-on“. See Custom QGIS offline terrain add-on for more details.
Offline Terrain (low res)
This terrain, built into the QGIS project, has a resolution of just 2500m.
It will always be used on scales smaller than 1:6000.

Test ArcGIS Access
Test whether your computer has a connection to the ArcGIS terrain database. A popup message will be shown whether ArcGIS can be used or not.

Terrain Modifier
Change the amount of vegetation that each Tile has. This setting changes the intensity.
None (Default)

Basic Features
Biome Source
Depending on the Biome Source you choose, the variety of Minecraft biomes found in various regions on your map will vary.
Köppen is the original biome source and offers a generally standard biome mapping.
Terrestrial Ecoregions (WWF) is a community-created source which has far more variety.
Köppen Climate Classification

Terrestrial Ecoregions (WWF)

You can select if rivers (and other water bodies) should be generated on your map, as well as their size.
River Amount / Size
All (small)
1-2 pixels wide
All (medium)
5-7 pixels wide
All (large)
12-15 pixels wide
Only large rivers in real life. Useful for really small scales, such as 1:1000.
Major + Minor
Border Year
2000bc - Current
Urban Groundcover
Areas of cities and villages are generated with cobblestone instead of the satellite image terrain.
2 stonebrick wide path blocks.
Normal Streets
2 path block wide path.
Additional ores
Rare Netherite in the Overworld
Small deposits of Netherite scrap scattered around the map.
Amount of ores
Standard (Default)
End-Portals are placed at positions of real-life airports with the official 3-character code by IATA. This way, small “hobby” airports are not used for generations. At scales of 1:100 and smaller, real-life locations of rocket launchpads are used.
Random Crops
Random Mob-Spawners
Generate random harmful mobs in spawner dungeons around the map. In oceans, Elder Guardians and Guardians spawners are prevalent.
Random Animal-Spawners
Some mobs only spawn in special biomes, that are not always part of the final map, for example when creating small countries. To make it survival-friendly, small mob spawner rooms with random mob spawners will generate underground.
Detailed Features
*These features are only available on large scales
Read about OSM Vegetation here:
The smaller parts of rivers, most likely at the source of the river. Should only be used on very large scales and is completely deactivated at scales smaller then 1:100.
Small Streets*
1 path block wide path.
OSM Farms*
Wheat in different states in fields.
OSM Meadows*
Dense 1 block and 2 block height grass.
Exposed Quarrys*
Stone with a lot of ores visible from ground.
OSM Forests*

Last updated
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