🌴Map Features

Minecraft Earth Tiles allows for the customization of the map to some pre-defined settings. The expansion of these can be edited manually to create more user-specific results.

This page is still under construction and is in no way complete!

The more map features selected will increase the run time of a Tile generation due to the increased data added!

Heightmap & Bathymetry

  • Heightmap Error Correction

The 30m heightmap source has some missing spots that will be filled with a custom algorithm.

This setting is inactive when you are using a high β€œDagrees per Tile” value because this uses a less accurate heightmap source.

  • Bathymetry

Require Bathymetry addon to be present and installed. View Custom QGIS project bathymetry add-on for more details.

This setting changes the block deepness for the oceans instead of a fixed maximum of 5 blocks deep.


  • Terrain Mapping

You can create a custom Terrain Mapping. The satellite images are reduced to ~20 different colors, which represent the terrain. At the moment, there are β€œStandard” and β€œCustom” options, so you can change the color values of the custom.png image inside β€œwpscript\terrain” and in the WorldPainter script. This way, you can make the world a little bit greener or even add blocks for future Minecraft versions!

  • Standard

  • Custom

  • Terrain Source

You can choose between different satellite images. Arcgis, Google, and Bing require a permanent internet connection. You can also choose the Offline Terrain (the high res requires the addon) if you have any trouble with the online images.

  • Offline Terrain (high res)

    • This terrain has an accuracy of 250m.

    • For this terrain, you need the β€œCustom QGIS offline terrain add-onβ€œ. See Custom QGIS offline terrain add-on for more details.

  • Offline Terrain (low res)

    • This terrain, built into the QGIS project, has a resolution of just 2500m.

    • It will always be used on scales smaller than 1:6000.

  • Arcgis*

  • Google

  • Bing

Offline Terrain (high resolution)Offline Terrain (low resolution)

Test ArcGIS Access

Test whether your computer has a connection to the ArcGIS terrain database. A popup message will be shown whether ArcGIS can be used or not.

Terrain Modifier

Change the amount of vegetation that each Tile has. This setting changes the intensity.

  • Dryest

  • Dryer

  • None (Default)

  • Greener

  • Greenest

Basic Features

  • Biome Source

Depending on the Biome Source you choose, the variety of Minecraft biomes found in various regions on your map will vary.

  • KΓΆppen is the original biome source and offers a generally standard biome mapping.

  • Terrestrial Ecoregions (WWF) is a community-created source which has far more variety.

KΓΆppen Climate Classification

Terrestrial Ecoregions (WWF)

  • Rivers

You can select if rivers (and other water bodies) should be generated on your map, as well as their size.

  • River Amount / Size

    • All (small)

      • 1-2 pixels wide

    • All (medium)

      • 5-7 pixels wide

    • All (large)

      • 12-15 pixels wide

    • Major

      • Only large rivers in real life. Useful for really small scales, such as 1:1000.

    • Major + Minor

  • Borders

  • Border Year

    • 2000bc - Current

  • Urban Groundcover

    • Areas of cities and villages are generated with cobblestone instead of the satellite image terrain.

  • Highways

    • 2 stonebrick wide path blocks.

  • Normal Streets

    • 2 path block wide path.

  • Additional ores

  • Rare Netherite in the Overworld

    • Small deposits of Netherite scrap scattered around the map.

  • Amount of ores

    • Less

    • Standard (Default)

    • More

  • End-Portals

    • End-Portals are placed at positions of real-life airports with the official 3-character code by IATA. This way, small β€œhobby” airports are not used for generations. At scales of 1:100 and smaller, real-life locations of rocket launchpads are used.

  • Volcanoes

  • Shrubs

  • Random Crops

  • Random Mob-Spawners

    • Generate random harmful mobs in spawner dungeons around the map. In oceans, Elder Guardians and Guardians spawners are prevalent.

  • Random Animal-Spawners

    • Some mobs only spawn in special biomes, that are not always part of the final map, for example when creating small countries. To make it survival-friendly, small mob spawner rooms with random mob spawners will generate underground.

Detailed Features

*These features are only available on large scales

Read about OSM Vegetation here:

  • Streams*

    • The smaller parts of rivers, most likely at the source of the river. Should only be used on very large scales and is completely deactivated at scales smaller then 1:100.

  • Small Streets*

    • 1 path block wide path.

  • OSM Farms*

    • Wheat in different states in fields.

  • OSM Meadows*

    • Dense 1 block and 2 block height grass.

  • Exposed Quarrys*

    • Stone with a lot of ores visible from ground.

  • OSM Forests*

Last updated