πŸͺšModded Ores/Custom QGIS Layer

Want to add customizations to your Minecraft Earth Tiles map? View here to learn how to add custom-modded ores using a custom QGIS Layer.

Modded Ores

This information is still in the works!

  • View the below script which can be added to your wpscript.js file. Modifications must be made to create the layer you are looking for. In this example, our custom ore is "titanium".

  • Replace "titanium" with custom ore.

You must create a custom underground layer before generating.

If you are looking for a page with many pre-generated ores, view the below article.

var titaniumDepositLayer =
    var titaniumImage =
    .shift(shiftLongitute, shiftLatitude)
    .fromLevels(0, 15).toLevel(8)
    .fromLevels(16, 31).toLevel(7)
    .fromLevels(32, 47).toLevel(7)
    .fromLevels(48, 63).toLevel(6)
    .fromLevels(64, 79).toLevel(6)
    .fromLevels(80, 95).toLevel(5)
    .fromLevels(96, 111).toLevel(5)
    .fromLevels(112, 127).toLevel(4)
    .fromLevels(128, 143).toLevel(4)
    .fromLevels(144, 159).toLevel(3)
    .fromLevels(160, 175).toLevel(3)
    .fromLevels(176, 191).toLevel(2)
    .fromLevels(192, 207).toLevel(2)
    .fromLevels(208, 223).toLevel(1)
    .fromLevels(224, 239).toLevel(1)
    .fromLevels(240, 255).toLevel(0)

Custom QGIS Layer

  1. Open the QGIS Project manually, and keep all layers active even if missing.

  2. Add a new layer (any source such as geotif files, shapefiles, etc works)

  3. Use the above code provided in the modded section.

Last updated